I had pneumonia vaccine and will someone get pneumonia from me?
Pneumonia vaccine helps in protecting you from the invasion of 23 serotypes of bacteria. Even after getting it, there is a chance that you might contract the ailment due to a different variant of bacteria. The ailment is such contagious.
How long does pneumonia vaccine shot last
For otherwise healthy individuals, it can last for a lifetime. In case of people above 65 years of age, it is better to opt for a boost if its more than 5 years since the last pneumonia shot was got. For people with a lowered immunity, it is advocated once in 5 or more years
What is the recommendation for pneumonia shot in older children vaccine schedule
The general schedule is once in lifetime. In case the kid had missed to get the vaccine before 2 years of age, he can get PCV7 once before his 5the birthday. If the child is immuno suppressed, the doctor might ask you to get PPSV23 and PCV7
Will pneumonia vaccine help hin1
Pneumonia shot aims at defending against 23 serotypes of pneumococcal bacteria which are often the cause of the ailment. H1N1 is a virus that causes the 2009 h1n1 flu and is no where related to the pneumonia vaccination
Is pneumonia vaccine a live vaccine
Pneumonia vaccination contains 23 different variants of pneumococcal bacteria. They are all contained in the deadened form. They aim at protecting the individual against a possible future infection
Can i get the pneumonia vaccine and the h1n1 vaccine?
This shot can be got with h1n1 vaccine. There should be no problem in this regard. But if you are pregnant or severally not well, it is vital to talk to the doctor in detail
How long is pneumonia vaccine good for?
Pneumonia vaccine is offered once in lifetime. For people with lowered body immunity(with COPD, liver, heart and kidney malfunctions or people who are aged 65 and above or in people with sickle cell anemia or those who have undergone organ transplantation), it is advocated at any time if it is 5 years past since the person got the last pneumonia vaccination
Does the prevnar vaccine help prevent pneumonia
Prevenar is mainly meant for kids under 2 years of age. Administered at 2,4,6 and 12-15 months of age, this vaccine has proven to be very effective in defending against 7 types of commonly seen pneumococcal bacteria. For those below 5 , a single dose is advocated if all the 4 doses have been missed earlier
When did giving pneumonia vaccine start in children
The first pneumonia vaccine was licensed in the year 1977. This protected against 14 serotypes of bacteria. Later in 1983, a more enhanced version was released and this was PPSV23. In early 2000, PCV7 for infants came into existence
How often pneumonia vaccine
Getting it once in life would suffice for healthy individuals. But for people with compromised immunity, it needs to be given after a consultation with the doctor. This can be once in 5 or more years. PCV7 for infants should be given in 4 doses before 2 years of age