An Overview of Pneumonia
What is it?
Pnuemonia is a disease that is caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses in human beings. It has been believed to be contagious and it affects the human lungs. This disease has also proven to be an epidemic and has been affecting people within groups with ease. Patients who are attacked by this disease often have their lungs infected with the micro organisms. As a result, the lungs fail to function properly. They fail to remove the carbon dioxide from the blood and neglect to provide oxygen to the bloodstream. This in turn causes problems in breathing in human beings.
The bacterial activity within the human body is visible in the form of inflammation in the human lungs. This in turn causes inflammation of the alveoli or the air sacs present in the lungs. Such a bacterial activity can also lead to muscle aches, fever, fatigue and pain in the chest.
Detection Methodology
The symptoms of acute bronchitis are often similar to that of pnuemonia. In such cases, you need to opt for a thoracic x ray. This test can help you get an idea of the type of attack that you have contracted.
Disease Causing Agents
The main bacterium that causes this disease is Streptococcus pneumonia. However, there are other micro organisms that have proven to be the disease causing agents in case of pneumonia.
The majority of them constitute Chlamydia trachomatis, legionella pneumophila, mycoplasma pneumonia, haemophilus influenza and the like.
Viable Methods of Contraction
Pneumonia can be contracted when you inhale the sputum or saliva of the infected patients. It can also spread if the infected particles present in the air are inhaled.
Normally, people with a weak immune system are more prone to this disease. They include the aged, small children, people who are undergoing extended treatment for prolonged illnesses (includes chemotherapy, HIV and people who have undergone organ transplantation surgeries).
Types of Pneumonia
It can be atypical or typical. Typical type has symptoms that constitute very high fever, chills, problems in breathing, fatigue, pain in the chest and cough accompanied by green or yellow sputum
The atypical type is associated with abdominal pains, low fever, pain in the joints, headaches and fatigue. This is of a milder nature than the typical one. You generally contract this type of pnuemonia only when you had been suffering from some other illness in the very recent past.
Treatment Options
It is critical that you get treated as soon as possible when you contract this disease. Consult your doctor and opt for medications immediately. Otherwise, this might lead to unnecessary complications. Bed rest and hospitalization might help if the attack is acute.