What is chronic bronchitis
chronic Bronchitis refers to the persistent inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Mucus and phlegm formation can be irritating and persisting. When this inflammation persists for 3 months continuously in a ear and for 2 years continuously it is that you are suffering from chronic bronchitis
What causes bronchitis
Bronchitis in the bronchi inflammation. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Over exposure to cigarette smoke or allergic fumes can also cause this problem
Is acute bronchitis contagious
Acute bronchitis can be transmitted from infected patients. Either you can get it from infected air or via the items handled by infected patients. Personal hygiene is important for prevention
Can you catch bronchitis from other people
Yes, You can get the disease from already infected people. Usually the causes are viruses or bacteria. So, it is very much possible that they are transmitted via air that is infected or through surfaces and items that are infected
How to treat bronchitis
Viral bronchitis cannot be treated by antibiotics. Rest and increase in fluid intake would help. Inhaled bronchodilator can also help. Inhaled and oral steroids with supply of oxygen would alleviate chronic bronchitis.
What is the incubation period for bronchitis
The incubation period varies greatly depending on the cause. In case of bacterial infection it would be 16-30 days. Viral bronchitis has an incubation period of a few days and symptoms pop in rapidly.
Is bronchitis contagious?
Yes, It is. The cause for this disease is viruses and bacteria. 90% it is the viruses that cause the ailment. As such it is highly contagious
Can i catch bronchitis
Anyone can catch bronchitis. Particularly if you have had a cough or cold, the chances are even more. If you are a person suffering from COPD, the chances are very likely
How is bronchitis transmitted
Bronchitis can be transmitted through the infected particles in air. The phlegm, cough and sneeze of infected patients can transmit the infection. Surfaces handled by infected patients can also be a carrier of this disease
How long is bronchitis contagious
Till the time you have symptoms of the ailment in you, bronchitis has proven to be contagious. To start with, the irritation of the bronchi as such is not contagious. But, after pathogen formation it becomes very contagious and can be transmitted via the particles in air or by being in touch with patients who are infected