Category: Bronchitis

  • How do you diagnose chronic bronchitis

    Physical examination folled by blood test, sputum culture test and PFT can help with diagnosis. Chest x ray can help in making sure that you have not got pneumonia

  • How can bronchitis affect other organs

    Since the oxygen supply is limited to all the organs within the body in case of bronchitis, there is a chance that there might be difficulty in breathing. Tiredness is very common and even the smallest physical activity can make the patient feel exerted

  • How long to recover from bronchitis

    Recovery is initiated with rest and proper home care. Substantial increase in fluid intake is essential. Analgesics, antipyretics, bronchodilators, corticosteroids and inhalers can help

  • How long is bronchitis contageous

    Bronchitis has proven to be contagious till the point when the symptoms of the ailment are seen. But you can take antibiotics and alleviate the symptoms. This in turn can bring a reduction in the intensity of contagiousness

  • Bronchitis + how is it spread?

    Bronchitis is transmitted when an infected individual coughs or sneezes. The pathogens then get spread into the air. This air when inhaled by other individuals becomes a carrier for this infection. Contaminated surfaces and items handled by patients can also spread the infection with ease

  • How is chronic bronchitis transmitted?

    Chronic bronchitis can be spread via the infected air particles that are often ejected by an infected person when he coughs or sneezes. It can also be spread via the close affiliation with the infected individual

  • How long does bronchitis last for

    Generally bronchitis lasts for few weeks. In other wise healthy people, it can be 2- 4 weeks. But in case if you have a suppressed body immunity, it can go on even for 8 weeks duration

  • Can mold cause bronchitis

    Mold is generally not a causative agent. But mold can cause allergy of the airways. This can turn out to be inflammation of the bronchial tubes and can be diagnosed as bronchitis

  • How long does acute bronchitis last

    Acute bronchitis can last for anything between 2-4 weeks. In case of people with suppressed immunity it might be even 8 weeks. Cough would persist even after those few weeks

  • Bronchitis self help

    Self help is initiated with rest and intake of fluids. Inhalers, hot baths and chamomile petals can also aid in relief. Further talk to your doctor for meddicines