Category: Bronchitis

  • How long does it take to recover from bronchitis

    Getting rid of bronchitis might take a few takes. Generally it is 2-4 weeks. In case if your resistance is less, you might have it for even 8 weeks.

  • Can chronic bronchitis be cured

    There is no properly defined treatment technique for chronic bronchitis. But, quitting smoking, staying away from pollutants and dusty environment can help in alleviation of the symptoms. Medications can really bring in a positive change too

  • How do people get bronchitis

    Being a respiratory infection, it has proven mainly to be air borne. Even contaminated surfaces and items can be carriers of this infection. Close association with infected patients tend to transmit the ailment

  • How can you prevent bronchitis

    Adherence to personal hygienic practices can help. Additionally, avoid the close associated with infected individuals. Stay away from allergens. all these can really help in prevention

  • How to treat chronic bronchitis

    Chronic bronchitis needs proper medicines and home care. Rest as much as you need. Take lots of fluids. Have hot baths frequently. Talk to your doctor and take corticosteroids, bronchodilators and inhalers based on the intensity of the infection

  • Can you buy bronchitis medicine in the pet store for dogs

    The nearest pet store would definitely have some form of bronchitis medication. However, they might not have the medicine that is prescribed by your doctor. In that case, please search and order the same online

  • How long does asthmatic bronchitis last

    Asthmatic bronchitis has proven to prolong for days and even months in some cases. Medications can alleviate symptoms. The duration is often long since the infection of the bronchi is worsened by the asthma which is already visible

  • How long is acute bronchitis contagious

    Acute bronchitis has proven to be contagious right before your symptoms are visible. It continues to be contagious till all the sings go away. You can take antibiotics as per the prescription given by your doctor to reduce suffering and minimize the chances of infection

  • How to prevent acute bronchitis

    Preventive measures constitute being clean and adhering strictly to personal hygiene. You should wash hands frequently and properly. Keeping fumes, chemicals, perfumes and allergens at bay can also be helpful in this regard

  • How do you catch bronchitis

    Bronchitis can be transmitted by inhaling the infected air. The air in turn is infected by the ejection of particles during the cough or sneeze of the infected patient. It can also be spread by the contaminated surfaces, utensils and towels handled by the infected individual