Author: roman

  • 3 year old has walking pneumonia

    Walking pneumonia in small children is not rare. Skin rashes, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are likely to be the symptoms in children. Fever and cold like symptoms can also be present. It is important that you contact your pediatrician and get him medicated soon

  • If you have walking pneumonia is it easy to get it again

    Walking pneumonia is an ailment for which a person cannot develop antibodies to fight with. As such you can get it again. If you are near an infected person and happen to inhale the airborne particles that are ejected by him, you are likely to get this disease any time

  • Is walking pneumonia infectious

    Walking pneumonia is an infectious disease. This can pass from the infected person by sharing utensils and via the particles transmitted in air when the infected person sneezes and coughs. The incubation period for this disease is 1-4 weeks. Symptoms prolong for more than 4-6 weeks with ease

  • Walking pneumonia is it contagious

    Walking pneumonia is contagious since it can transmit from the infected person via airborne particles and through prolonged contact. Antibiotics treatment on time can help in minimizing the infection with ease

  • How to treat walking pneumonia

    Start taking proper rest first. Then have lots f fluids. Consult a doctor and take antibiotics properly. Biaxin, zithromax. Erythromycin and fluroquinone can be used to treat this ailment. Amoxil and Cephalosporins have not been effective in curing this disease.

  • How is walking pneumonia diagnosed?

    Generally doctor physically examines the patient infected. Then he opts for a chest x ray. Culture test might also be requested. Mycoplasma pneumoniae tests, CF antibody tests and cold agglutinin tests are the other tests that are done in case of infection. But it is not certain that they would be carried out since this ailment is not severe.

  • What is the difference between walking pneumonia and pneumonia

    Mycoplasma pneumoniae has proven to be the cause of walking pneumonia. Even if infected people tend to carry on their daily routine though they suffer from chills, fever, vomit, diarrhea, sore throat, cough and other symptoms like muscle pain and neck pain. But, pneumonia can be severe and can be caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria or parasites

  • What shape is walking pneumonia

    Shape of walking pneumonia is as such undefined. Walking pneumonia is not a severe ailment. Since people usually carry on their normal routine, it is called walking pneumonia. Symptoms persist for few weeks time however.

  • Is walking pneumonia viral or bacterial

    M.Pneumoniae is the causative organism for walking pneumonia. Since that is a bacterium, walking pneumonia is bacterial. However, pneumonia can be fungal, viral, bacterial or parasitical.

  • What is walking pneumonia in kids

    Walking pneumonia in kids has been reported to be associated with different symptoms when compared with adults. Children may have vomit, nausea and diarrhea. Skin rashes may also be prevalent in case of walking pneumonia infection in kids. They might feel tired even amidst the fact that they would have the ability to continue their routine